and refinement of the innovations in healthcare
Upcoming Event
Bootcamp on Diagnostics and Screening
Your Partner For
Healthcare Innovation
Centre for Medical Innovation & Entrepreneurship (CMIE) is laser focused to encourage innovations in all wakes of health care with a preference to the cutting edge emerging technologies such as precision/molecular medicine, nanomedicine, regenerative medicine, biologics, robotics, AI enabled medical devices, imaging and application of data science in medicine including digital health.
CMIE Advantage
Ideate, Develop, Validate
We Offer a Wide
Variety of Support Services
Plug & Play Workstations
Fully furnished offices that give you facilities like high-speed internet, ac, printers, meeting rooms etc.
High End And Common Instrumentation Facility
CMIE instrument facility is open for everyone starting from individual / start-up / Academic / Industry. Some high-end specialized Instruments / Facilities are housed in the Central Core Research Facility.
Technology & Business Mentoring
Technology and Business mentoring services are also facilitated to hand-hold startups from PoC to product / technology Development to increase their odds of success.
Legal & IP Services
CMIE works with highly specialized and experienced Indian and foreign IP lawyers for providing IP and Legal Services to the incubatees.
Industry & Academia Networking Opportunities
CMIE being part of the AIIMS ecosystem will provide lots of Industry & Academia Networking Opportunities.
Dedicated & Shared Laboratory Facility
Incubatees can avail themselves a combination of open laboratory spaces as well as smaller areas dedicated lab spaces.